Alicia Case JLL, young girl, involved in car accident in Atlanta, GA: obituary

The corporate world and the sustainability community are anxiously awaiting official confirmation after news broke of a motor vehicle accident involving Alicia Case, the Vice President and Southeast Region Lead for Sustainability at JLL. According to unverified reports, Case sustained injuries in the accident, but the details remain uncertain. Both the family and law enforcement agencies have refrained from issuing official statements regarding the incident.

Alicia Case, a respected leader in the sustainability arena, currently heads the southeast sustainability team for JLL’s Project and Development Services division based in Atlanta, Georgia. With a career spanning over fifteen years in sustainability consulting and project management, Case is known for her unwavering commitment to driving positive environmental impact while leveraging the financial benefits of sustainable initiatives.

As a technical expert and consultant, Case has played a pivotal role in advancing green construction efforts for numerous domestic and international corporations. Her expertise extends to various certification programs, including LEED, Energy Star, SITES, WELL Building Standard, and Living Building Challenge. Prior to joining JLL, she contributed to the development of the LEED Rating Systems, earning recognition as a principal technical subject matter expert.

Before her illustrious career in sustainability, Case worked as a landscape/civil designer, collaborating with developers, architects, and designers to shape the built environment. Known for her meticulous approach, exceptional communication skills, and dedication to client service, she has earned the respect and admiration of colleagues and clients alike.

The confirmation of Alicia Case’s well-being remains pending, leaving the sustainability community on edge, hoping for positive news amidst this uncertainty. As friends, colleagues, and industry peers anxiously await updates, the impact of her potential loss looms large, casting a somber atmosphere over the field of sustainability and those who have had the privilege of working alongside her.
