Who is Ben Greve? Know about his early life, married life with Lindsay Whalen, social media, biograp

Who is Ben Greve? Know about his early life, married life with Lindsay Whalen, social media, biography

Ben Greve is a golf player and avid sports enthusiast. Ben has played sports throughout his academic life. He played state golf during high school.

After graduating from University, he started as an assistant golf professional. He has spent six years touring as a golf professional on the Hooters Tour and later worked as a Golf Stix accounts associate.

Greve is aspiring for the PGA while playing numerous qualifying tournaments. Likewise, he won the Minnesota State Open for the second straight year in 2017.

He was qualified for the U.S. Amateur Championship in Pebble Beach, California. Ben acquired a BS in Marketing and Communications and joined State Farm Insurance in the year 2012.

Also, he worked as a marketing coordinator for a year before switching to an insurance agent at Insurance Planners. In the year 2014, Greve joined Twin City Group which allowed a flexible schedule to him and helped him to play golf competitively. He became the partner of Twin City Group in June 2018.

The early life of Ben Greve

Ben Greve was born in July 1981 in Annandale, Minnesota. He is 39 years old at present. Greve is the son of Dave Greve and Sandy Greve. His father is a golf coach and his mother is a teacher at Annadale High School.

Ben graduated from Annadale High School in the year 2000. After that, he attended the University of Minnesota in Twin Cities.

Likewise, he has two brothers Nick Greve and Tim Greve. His brother Nicholas Greve died at the age of 26. He died due to accidental drowning in 2010.

In the memory of his brother his co-workers and friends founded the Nicholas Greve Foundation. The organization provides annual scholarships to students attending Annandale High School and Gustavus Adolphus College, Nick Greve’s alma maters.

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Ben Greve and Lindsay Whalen’s married life

Ben Greve and Lindsay Whalen met each other during the University of Minnesota days. Greve said,

“We met freshman year at the U (Minnesota). It was a business stats class, an early-morning class. No romantic story. We hit it off. I asked her out and it went from there,”

Lindsay would wear sweats to the class and Ben would sit next to her. They were prominent in the Minnesota Golden Gophers Athletics sports teams.

Also, he was captain of the golf team and won an NCAA championship. The couple walked down the aisle on 6th October 2007. Their wedding was held at St. Anastasia Catholic Church in Hutchinson.

His wife Linsday Whalen is the head coach of the University of Minnesota’s women’s basketball team. Lindsay retired from professional basketball in the 2018 season as the WNBA’s career leader in 323 games won.

Is Ben Greve on social media?

Ben Greve has around 533 followers on his Twitter account. He joined Twitter in October 2009. He is not much active on Twitter and makes tweets very rarely. Likewise, Ben also has an Instagram account. His account is private with 488 followers. Also, he appears on his wife’s social media. Other than Twitter and Instagram, he is not on other social media

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Short bio on Lindsay Whalen

Lindsay Whalen is a former American professional basketball player. Currently, she plays for the Minnesota Lynx of the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA).

Additionally, she is also the head coach of the University of Minnesota’s women’s basketball team. Read more bio…

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