Andrew Tate Claims He May Have Been Poisoned

Andrew Tate has quickly become one of the most controversial people on social media. However, this controversial title is most certainly deserved. Overall, he has said some horrendous stuff on his various platforms. Moreover, he is being accused of sex trafficking and still has an ongoing case in Romania. In fact, Tate was in prison for a few months alongside his brother Tristan. Now, however, he is back home and on house arrest. During this time, he has made sure to make plenty of posts on social media for the fans he has left.

In fact, earlier today, Andrew Tate took to Twitter where he claimed that he may have been poisoned. "Face Swollen. Blood pressure is through the roof," he wrote. "Skins on fire. Hard to breathe. Some sort of severe reaction or poison. Only had coffee and water so far today. All appeared in the last 5mins." Additionally, he posted a photo of his face which appeared to be all swollen. This led to some concern from his fans. Moreover, his manager had to take over his Twitter and deliver a message.

Andrew Tate Deleted His Tweets

"Andrew is not allergic to anything," the manager wrote. "This has never happened before. Has only had water and coffee today. Either an insect bite or some matrix attack insanity in his bottled water. He’s refusing doctors and is focusing on tea and breathing. Will keep you all updated." Since that time, there has been no update on Andrew Tate and his condition. Instead, all of his tweets about the situation have been deleted. Seems like a false alarm. Either way, this was a bizarre situation that had many Twitter users scratching their heads.

Andrew Tate's whole schtick has largely relied on the idea that there is a Matrix out there. Overall, it is a silly notion and he has been rightfully clowned for it. However, he has plenty of fanboys who adore his every move. No matter what he does, that will never change. Let us know your thoughts on this situation, in the comments down below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for the latest news from around the world.

