What are my rights with a shared driveway NSW?

The driveway can be used by the neighbour for one purpose i.e. to access their own property. These easement rights cannot be removed unless all parties agree for the easement to be removed. However, in the case of shared driveway this may be unlikely because the neighbour will need it to access their property.

What are the rules on a shared driveway?

If one party believes the shared driveway belongs to them, they may block access and make it impossible for the other property owner to use the driveway. The law clearly states that driveway use should be fair; however, it may be that a neighbour is unaware that the driveway is actually shared.

Who has ownership of a shared driveway?

A shared driveway is usually owned by each of the homes involved. The part of the driveway on their land is owned by them, and the maintenance of the entire driveway is shared by all parties. In some cases, the driveway may be owned by one house, but legal access is given to anyone who needs to use it.

Is a shared driveway private?

There are generally two types of shared driveway. One is a clear cut shared piece of land that is owned by all users equally. The other is a private access road that may be owned by one person, but is allowed to be used by anyone who needs access.

Can my Neighbour park on a shared driveway?

Neither neighbour has a right to park their car on a shared driveway, as such it's something that must be worked out privately between both parties. There's little legal protection on this issue as whichever way you slice it, your car will either be illegally parked or blocking a right of way.

Shared Driveways - What You Need To Know!

Can you split a shared driveway?

One option for dividing property lines down a shared driveway is to install chain link fencing. A chain link fence is a relatively inexpensive fence to have installed, and can readily be placed over asphalt. Asphalt is soft enough to allow fence posts to be sunk into the driveway.

What can I do if my Neighbour keeps blocking my drive?

Police suggest discussing issues with your neighbour first. The Metropolitan Police advise: "If someone has blocked your driveway so you can't drive in, we appreciate this can be very frustrating. "If you can find the owner of the vehicle, we'd first recommend asking them politely to move it.

Can I put a fence up on a shared driveway?

Answer: Check your title deeds and those of your neighbour to establish the boundaries of your property and how the driveway is owned. You could each own half of it, or one of you could own the whole of it. Either way, as the driveway is shared you will each have been granted certain rights of access over it.

What is it called when you share a driveway?

The easement is an agreement giving someone the right to go onto someone else's property within certain boundaries. An easement can specify that each homeowner owns part of the driveway but has the legal right to use the full space to drive to and from the garage.

Does right of access mean right to park?

Generally, a simple right of way does not usually include a right to park. So, for example, a right to “pass and repass” does not by itself include a right to park. Neither does a “right of access” or a “right of carriageway”. A right of way may include a limited right to stop a vehicle temporarily.

What does shared access mean?

Shared Access means access of two or more applicant authorised undertakings to separable functional resources or capacities of a specific element of electronic communications network. Sample 1. Shared Access means the ability to grant Sub-Users certain access with respect to the Services and Your accounts.

Does my Neighbour have right of way through my garden?

Your tenant doesn't have the right to grant a right of way, but if the neighbour has being using your garden for long enough (probably in excess of 10 years but it will depend on the facts) and has been doing it openly (eg your tenant and everyone around can see him using the garden) then he could argue that he has ...

What is a shared access road?

Shared Access Road (s) means the private roadways currently utilized for ingress and egress to the boundaries of the Estate Lots and the roadway that provides access to and from Country Road 437 a/k/a Williams Shores Road.

Is there a time limit on boundary disputes?

Is there a time limit on boundary disputes? You will want your boundary dispute to be resolved within 12 years so that adverse possession cannot be used for another party to gain ownership of your property.

Where does front garden start?

On a residential area, a front yard (United States, Canada, Australia) or front garden (United Kingdom, Europe) is the portion of land between the street and the front of the house.

Can you erect a fence on an open plan estate?

You will need to apply for planning permission if you wish to erect or add to a fence, wall or gate where: it would be over 1 metre high and fronting a road used by vehicles (or the footpath of such a road) or over 2 metres high elsewhere.

Who is responsible for fixing a shared driveway?

Generally, when a driveway gives access to two or more properties, then the responsibility for its maintenance is shared jointly by the owners of those properties. Under the Land Transfer Regulations the cost of general repairs and maintenance of a right-of-way should be shared equally by users.

Is a driveway private property Texas?

While driveways are on private property, they are easily accessed by the public.

Who owns an easement Qld?

The idea of easements is to create provisions on land titles for a range of public works like drainage, electricity supplies, and water supplies. Easement rights are typically owned by public authorities to allow access, maintenance and construction work for these services.

Can my Neighbour stop me putting up a fence?

Whether or not your neighbour can actually stop you from putting up a fence will depend entirely upon where you want to put it. If you're someone who wants to put your fence in a place which is completely on your property, then you don't have any issues, and you're free to do whatever you please.

Can I go on my neighbors property to maintain my fence?

The general rule is that to go onto someone else's property you need their permission, but there are exceptions that can be relied on where consent is proving tricky to obtain. A property disputes lawyer will explain the position in your case and guide you through the process of securing the access you need.

Can I put a fence in front of Neighbours fence?

If your fence is set within your boundary, which a lot of people do as then they do not have to ask their neighbors for permission to erect a fence, then your neighbors should not have attached their fence to yours as the fence front and back completely belongs to you.

Is it an Offence to block a driveway?

If someone has parked on your driveway and you were to block them in, your vehicle may be causing an obstruction to the public highway and this is a criminal offence. The owner of the vehicle could therefore call the police.

Is it illegal to block a dropped KERB?

Parking a vehicle fully or partially across a dropped kerb is classed as an obstruction and either the police or local council can enforce the contravention.

Is it illegal to park on the pavement?

Under the Greater London Council (General Powers) Act, motorists cannot park on urban roads with their car's wheels on pavements, grass verges or any land between carriageways.
