Can a woman take back her first husband's name after divorce a second husband?

1 attorney answer

If the judge refuses to change your name during the divorce proceeding to something other than your maiden name, you can always file for a name change outside the divorce process, and you should easily be able to change your name to the last name you had with your previous husband.

Can I go back to my first husbands last name?

A divorce decree is limited in scope and varies by state, but they typically allow you to change your name back to your maiden or previous last name. If you lost your divorce decree, you can get a certified copy by contacting your state's vital records office.

Can I take my ex husbands name back?

A After a divorce a woman is free to keep her ex-husband's last name, go back to her maiden name or choose a completely new name. Although name changes are controlled by state law, most states allow individuals to change their name pretty easily. That means when you and your wife married, your name became her name.

Why would you keep your ex husband's last name?

Reasons women may want to keep their ex-husband's last name

Continuity with children — One of the most common reasons an ex may keep your last name is to keep her name the same as any children.

Can a divorced woman keep her married name?

When a couple gets divorced, each spouse has the right to keep his or her married name. No spouse can force the other to change back to his or her previous name, and there is little anyone can do to prevent an ex-spouse from continuing to use the married name after divorce.

Should A Woman Go Back To Her Maiden Name After Divorce?

Can I make my ex wife change her name back?

“Can I make my ex-wife change her name back after divorce?” Legally? No, not really. Since there is no real legal action you can take to force your ex to change her name, you're left with minimal options. You may just have to accept her decision to keep it, even if it drives you crazy.

Is there a time limit to change your name after divorce?

3. Changing Your Name After Divorce. As previously stated, you can change your last name at any time. If you choose to wait until after the divorce, you will need to have proof of your divorce.

What is a woman's title after divorce?

You can use any title you wish. You might like to be called "Mrs." even after divorce, or you may prefer "Ms" or "Miss". If you don't change your surname, you don't need to complete any legal documentation to change your title - just start using it.

Do you keep your marriage certificate after divorce?

Marriage License And Certificate

The marriage certificate is the document that affirms you and your spouse were married. It should have been filed with the county clerk following your wedding. It is important to keep copies of both. That way, you have proof of when you actually married your ex-wife or ex-husband.

How do I deal with my ex husband remarriage?

Talk to Someone

Your ex-spouse remarrying is a lot to deal with emotionally, so don't try to deal with these feelings alone. Find a support group, a good friend, or a counselor to talk with. Verbalizing your negative, jealous, or depressed feelings can help you put them in perspective and, eventually, move on.

What is the cost to change your name?

Name changes cost anywhere from under $100 to more than $500, depending on your state. In many states, fees vary in each county, so check with your local probate, family, or district court clerk. Many states still have fees well under $100.

Can I revert to my maiden name without divorce?

You don't need to be divorced to revert to your maiden name. You can be known by your maiden name at any time.

How do I keep married name after divorce?

Keeping Your Name

If you are going to keep your married name, you need to say so in the divorce decree. There will be a question that asks if you would like to retain your married name, or be known by your maiden (or former) name. Your husband cannot request your drop his name, regardless of the reason.

Can a married woman revert to her maiden name?

She is not prohibited from continuously using her maiden name once she is married because when a woman marries, she does not change her name but only her civil status. Further, this interpretation is in consonance with the principle that surnames indicate descent."

What happens to the original marriage certificate after divorce?

The courts do not return marriage certificates following the divorce. This is because both the petitioner and respondent receive a decree absolute confirming that their marriage has legally ended. The decree absolute serves as proof that you have been granted a divorce and that you were once married.

How long should I keep my divorce papers?

Most experts say that it is best to always keep legal documents forever. A birth certificate is one such document. And for those who wonder how long to keep divorce papers, it is highly recommended that you keep them on hand forever, as well.

What are the questions on a divorce petition?

Divorce Questions & Answers

  • When Can a Divorce Petition be Issued?
  • Will my Marriage Certificate be Required?
  • On What Ground can a Divorce Petition be Issued?
  • Does the Basis of the Divorce Have to be Agreed?
  • What Information Does the Divorce Petition Contain?
  • What Details are Given About Any Children?

Is a divorced woman still a Mrs?

After a divorce, a woman might keep her married name. If this is the case, then you can either use "Mrs." or "Ms." to address the guest and use her first name. If she is using her maiden name, then use "Ms." along with her first name and maiden name. Again, it's best to find out what she prefers to go by.

Are you a Mrs If you don't take your husband's name?

In short, it depends. Typically, brides who change their name postwedding to their partner, wife or husband's name go by "Mrs." after marriage, since it usually indicates that they're sharing a surname with their spouse (as in "Mr. and Mrs. Smith").

How do I revert back to my maiden name?

All you need to revert your ID and bank accounts back to your maiden name after you divorce is your decree absolute and your marriage certificate. Alternatively, you can change your name by deed poll and present this document instead.

Can I use my passport with my married name after divorce?

US Citizens: United States Citizens who change their name due to marriage, divorce, or because of any other circumstance may travel using your United States passport or other Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative approved document in your prior name provided you bring proof of your name progression such as; a marriage ...

How much does it cost to change your last name back to your maiden name in Texas?

Visit your county's courthouse and file all the forms except for the Order Form with the court clerk. (You may want to make copies of the Petition and Consent Forms before filing them.) Pay the appropriate filing fee; this fee varies from county to county but it is typically around $300.

How much does it cost to change your last name back to your maiden name in Michigan?

You will need to submit a completed and signed correction application, a fee of $50.00 in the form of a personal check or money order payable to the State of Michigan in U.S. funds, a copy of your current, valid photo identification and a copy of the court order for documentation.

Can my ex wife use my last name?

So Can You Make Your Ex-wife Use Her Maiden Name? With divorce, just as no law compelled her to take your surname, no law compels her to give it up. She legally became Ms. or Mrs. You, and she, can choose to keep that surname or change it.

What do you call a man who is divorced?

divorcé noun. a man who is divorced.
