Alex Pietrangelo's wife Jayne Cox and their relationship history

Alex Pietrangelo and his wife Jayne Cox have a heartwarming love story that includes a devastating loss and the joy of becoming parents to triplets. Jayne and Alex tied the knot in 2016 at the Shrine of St. Joseph in a beautiful ceremony.

Before becoming a mom, Jayne suffered a miscarriage. Alex shared the news of their loss on social media, along with a photo of the couple sitting at a small stone plot that showcased the baby's name. In 2018, Alex wrote about the experience in a post for The Player's Tribune.

Jayne was a cheerleader for the St. Louis Rams during the 2009, 2010, and 2011 seasons. Her sister was also a cheerleader for the team. She was even featured on the cover of the Rams Cheerleaders calendar in 2012. Jayne's Instagram account is private. She chooses to share special life moments with only her family and closest friends.

The couple welcomed triplets, Evelyn, Oliver, and Theodore, into the world in 2022/ Alex announced the joyous news on Instagram with a photo of him holding the three newborns in the delivery room.

The St. Louis Blues reposted the photo, congratulating their captain and welcoming the three newest Pietrangelos to the Blues family. In an interview with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Alex shared that being a parent to three children is a lot of work, but it's also the best thing that's ever happened to him.

Despite the challenges they've faced, Alex and Jayne's love and commitment to each other and their family remain strong.

A look at Alex Pietrangelo's NHL career

Selected fourth overall by the Blues in the 2008 NHL Draft. Alex Pietrangelo made his debut in 2008 and quickly became a mainstay on the Blues' blue line. In his first full NHL season in 2010-11, Pietrangelo led all Blues defensemen in points, plus-minus rating, and shots on goal.

Alex Pietrangelo's offensive prowess continued to develop in the years that followed. He ranked fifth among NHL defensemen in points in 2011-12, and became the youngest defenseman in Blues history to have consecutive seasons of 40 or more points. That season, he finished fourth in voting for the Norris Trophy, which is awarded to the NHL's top defensive player.

Alex Pietrangelo's defensive skills were also on display during his time in St. Louis. In 2012-13, he led the league in shifts per game and led the Blues in shorthanded ice time per game and power-play ice time per game. He became the first defenseman since Al MacInnis in 2002-03 to lead his team in both categories.

In 2013-14, Pietrangelo was one of only two NHL defensemen to score at least 50 points while playing over 200 power-play and shorthanded minutes. His well-rounded game made him one of the league's most complete defensemen.

Alex Pietrangelo's leadership abilities were also recognized by the Blues, as he was named team captain in 2016. He led the team to their first Stanley Cup championship in 2019, scoring the Cup-winning goal in Game 7 against the Boston Bruins. Pietrangelo finished the playoffs with 19 points in 26 games, cementing his status as one of the league's top clutch performers.

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