Carrie Walton Penner Net Worth

Carrie Walton Penner is the daughter of former Walmart Chairman S. Robson Walton. S.Robson Walton is the eldest son of Helen and Sam Walton, the founders of Walmart.

Carrie is also recognised as the wife of Greg Penner, the current Chairman of Walmart, who also oversees Madrone Capital Partners, an investment firm linked with S. Robson Walton.

Carrie is a philanthropist, educational reformer, policymaker, and evaluator. She also serves on the boards of various organisations, including Walmart, the KIPP Foundation, the Alliance for School Choice, and the Charter School Growth Fund.

Carrie has a bachelor’s degree in economics and history from Georgetown University, a master’s degree in administration and policy analysis from Stanford University Graduate School of Education, and a master’s degree in programme evaluation from Stanford University.

she has also served as a research analyst for the Woodside Research Consortium for Michigan Mathematics and Science.

How much is Carrie Walton Penner worth?

Carrie’s net worth is currently unknown, however, we estimate it to be around $5 billion.
